Friday, April 6, 2012

My Testimony of Life

My name is Christina Davies, I am a daughter, sister, student a BYU-Idaho, social work major, Air Force Brat, and a Mormon.  I have had an awesome life up to this point I was born in Tacoma, Washington. I then moved to Portugal, Turkey, Alabama, Virginia, Italy, Texas, Wyoming, Virginia, Japan, and then Idaho. Most recently I had the opportunity to teach English in Mexico for a semester, it was one of the best experiences of my entire life. I hope people remember me as someone who brought fun and happiness into their life. This semester I have the great opportunity to take Family History, this semester I hope to learn of my ancestors and of the great things they did, and the sacrifices they made. I am forever indebted to them for the sacrifices they made. Without them I don’t know if I would be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Being a member of the church is a huge part of my life, it guides me in the small choices I make and also the big ones. Having knowledge of the gospel keeps me safe from the evils of the world, and gives me a knowledge of all that is store for me in the future. I know the church is true, and that Thomas S. Monson is a true prophet of God. I know that Christ is my savoir and he as atoned for my sins, and that through Him I can return to my Heavenly Father presence. I know that I am not hear by accident, I have a purpose and I am a daughter of God and that one day I can become like Him. I am so grateful for the knowledge of eternal families. It means so much to me that Heavenly Father has provided a way for all of us to live together again. 

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